a manifesto

Started March 2014 in the 24-7 Prayer room, and very much an ongoing work in progress, my own version of The Vision.

What is the Vision?

The Vision is Spirit. It’s art.

The Vision is art that moves; that is more than the sum of its parts. Art that breaks down walls between art & God & thought & culture. Art that inspires and defines. Art that is intelligent.

(The spirit in me. Moving me. Making me. Driving my ideas.)

The vision is a spacious white studio with lots of windows & a big table & large format Epson printer. The Vision is not held back by earthly things. By bureaucracy or lack of funding & resources.

The Vision is immersive art installations driven by photography & washed in Spirit. The Vision is exhibitions that transcend time & space to touch something deep within.

The Vision does not follow the rules. It is loved & reviled across spheres of culture. Hated by churches, loved by critics. Or maybe the other way around. Moving between spheres of influence as easily & seamlessly as changing clothes.

The Vision is success & visibility but in love & vulnerability. The Vision can handle attention & bad press. (And it must, because I don’t think that I can.) The Vision gives all the work & the glory & the pain to God.

The Vision works hard. Loves hard. Cries hard. Gives everything.

The Vision is not alone.

(The Vision is really messy.)